
Slaves are found through all the five major nations, and almost every minor one. Being a slave became a recognized profession due to the massive amount of people living their lives as such.

There are only very few individuals who are actually forced into slavery out of what is generally considered "spoils of war" - becoming a slave is far from uncommon nor unreasonable for people who are either unable to supply their own needs or to find any work. The fact that their owner is responsible for proper care is often seen as the "cheap way" out of many of the issues faced by the general population. However, the fact that their owner is also the one deciding which kind of care to consider as "proper", living standards for slaves vary greatly, from being abused as mere toys to living (sometimes far) better than the average citizen.

Despite this, since they usually don't have any kind of decision about their owner (and might be part of a trade or end up being a gift to someone else at any time), becoming a slave is a gamble to say the least. As such, many slaves explicitly "sold" themselves to a master putting their trust in them. This is especially common in Lemphis, due to a lack of a state religion and therefore of any kind of marriage ceremony - spouses usually end up being "slaves" of their relative husbands.

Additionally, all of the major nation's armies consist almost entirely of slaves - there are only a select few hired as soldiers, whose actual job would amount more to that of a field officer than that of a fighter.

Last, but far from the least, slaves are the backbone of the economy - especially for working in unfavorable places like mines - but also see the majority in recreational facilities.

The sheer amount and variety of work covered by slaves make it close to impossible to come up with a description about it, however, nor can they be seen as a profession's variety (e.g. slave-smith or similar), since they usually don't stick to one kind of work, living at their masters' bidding.

Anyway, being a slave still is generally not favored by pretty much anyone and implies an unbelievable amount of trust to one's relative master, who in turn (usually) put a similar amount of trust in them. Since their job pretty much is to serve and act in their master's interest, they are commonly seen as representitives and respected outside the previously mentioned recreational facilities.